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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  August 11, 2009 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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this morning." good morning, america. and this morning, breaking news. eunice kennedy shriver, the pioneer behind special olympics and the sister of john f. kennedy has died. we take a look bag at ore life and her legacy. president obama braces for protests at his town hall meeting on health care today. can he cal the explosive war of words? hillary clinton lashes out, after a question strikes a nerve. >> wait. you want me to tell you what my
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husband thinks? my husband is not the secretary of state. i am. >> is the former president stealing his wife's thunder? and coming to a theater near you, michael jackson, the movie. a front-row seat to his final performance. could it be his biggest show performance. could it be his biggest show yet? captions paid for by abc, inc. and good morning, everyone. alongside chris cuomo, i'm robin roberts. diane sawyer is off on this tuesday, august 11th. we're mourning the passing of eunice kennedy shriver. she was 88 years old. >> obviously, a very long life and legacy. she had been dealing with health ailments in these final years. but really stood out as somebody who was all about service. >> yeah. that was quite apparent. she was the fifth of the kennedy children. perhaps known most for starting the special olympics. her family said she set out to
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change the world and change us. and she did that and more. growing up alongside her dashing brothers, jack, ted and bobby, eunice shriver held a front-row seat to some of the greatest and some of the most tragic moments of the 20th century. but it was an unheralded member of the family, who inspired her life's work. her mentally challenged sister, rosemary. >> she taught us all, that adversity meant almost nothing. and that it could always be fun for all of us to be together. >> reporter: mrs. shriver shared a special closeness with rosemary. spending extra time with her. making sure she always felt included. that was a life lesson she never forgot. >> she founded the scial olympics in 1968, to get people with intellectual disabilities the chance to develop physical fitness, to create friendships and experience the joy of sports competition and achievement. >> well done. >> reporter: the games immediately became much more than athletic competitions. for over 40 years, they have
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brought understanding, inclusion, and acceptance to a segment of society many have forgotten. >> most of all, i see from mrs. shriver, that i have rights. and we have a right to live and enjoy life to our fullest. >> don't keep them away fro something that can c change the lives and give them a new vision. and give their parents a new vision of them, just because they don't want somebody no the community to say, oh, your child is special. >> reporter: always by her side, her husband of over 50 years, sargant shriver. and her five children, inlewding maria shriver. a devoted mother, not only to her family. but to the millions who would not have had a chance without her. >> my mother has been a key leader in the field of intellectual disabilities. i think she has done more in that field than any other single human being alive.
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>> these special olympians have thrilled us, on the playing fields of the world. you have taught us tha what truly counts is the courageous spirit and the generous heart. >> special olympics certainly a big part of her legacy. and the shriver family released a beautiful statement just a short time ago. her love of god, her devotion to her family, and her relentless belief in the dignity and worth of every human life, she worked without ceasing. searching, pushing, demanding, hoping for change. she was a living prayer. a living advocate. a living center of power. she set outo change the world and to change us. and she did that and more. she founded the movement that became special olympics the largest movement for acceptance and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities in the history of the world. her work transformed the lives of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. and they, in turn, are her
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living legacy. and from the special olympics website this, statement, a short statement. we mourn her passi. god celebrates her arrival. together, we carry on her vision. >> and it is no surprise that the special olympics statement is a succinct one because she was about love in action. and for some perspective on what has gone with eunice keedy, let's bring in bob schrum. thank you for joining us this morning. we're sorry for your loss. >> i'm sorry to be here. i'm sorry for the world's loss. >> and let's get some perspective on just how important it was in 1968, for eunice kennedy shriver to decide that this group of largely forgotten people needed to be embraced. needed to be brought into society. how big was the impact? >> i think the impact was enormous. you know, she started even before that. in 1962, she persuaded her
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family to tell the story publicly of her sister, rosemary. she used to laugh about how she sat outside president kennedy's office, lobbying to establish nationalnstitute of child health and human development. and what she did was take a personal tragedy and transform it into a movement that changed the world for tens o millions of people with intellectual disabilities. she loved to go to those events. and look at those athletes and say to them, as probably no one ever said to them before in their lives, you are the stars. >> i remember speaking with her. and her saying, just worry about how you leave this world. how you leave it when you are gone. you have always lost a friend. and what will you remember most about her? >> oh, she was a living prayer. but she was also witty and wonderful and warm and amazing. and very much her own person. you know, she would have a wonderful dinner party in washington. and there could be a cardinal,
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an ambassador, a cabinet member, whatever. and at 100, she would stand up and say, i hope you all had a nice time. and we would leave. and she would go to bed because she had a lot of work to do the next morning. she had a wonderful wit. she was always trying to make me an athlete, which was a hopeless cause. >> she believed in the best of everybody. mr. shrum, thank you for joining us. this is a loss b any measure. thank you for joining us, giving us perspective this morning. she just really brought out the best in everybody. >> and he's right. she had a wonderful sense of humor. chris, thanks. moving on, now, to politics. demonstrators are gearing up for the president, as he hosts his own town hall meeting on health care reform in new hampshire later today. the tone has certainly been heated. abc's john berman is in new hampshire and has the latest for us. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning, robin. well, the president will face some 1,800 people inside the town hall today. there could be up to 1,000 protesters outside. the white house insists the
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questions today will not be prescrned. so, if the tone is like it has been at other town meetings around the country, the president is in for one heck of an afternoon. >> it reads like something that was brought up in the early 1930s in germany. >> reporter: at town hall after town hall, it has looked less ke a discussion about health care reform, and more like reform school. for one georgia congressman, it was too much. >> those of you are here, who have taken and came and hijacked this event, that we are dealing with here. this is not a health care event. you made the choice to come here. >> reporter: so, who are these people that have become poster people for discontent? >> i have a question for young man. >> reporter: you don't look like a rabble-rouser. >> i'm not a rabble-rouser. >> reporter: corey lundowski is the cheer for americans versus
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prosperity. he has afternoon mass e-mail saying, this canadian-style legislation is not what we need here in new hampshire. or across the country. he says some protests have gone too far. but he has concerned about spending and government activism. >> the problem becomes, people get frustrated because they can't get their voice heard. >> reporter: we found plenty of people in support of the president. and upset at the protesters. they. >> they do not have a right to disrupt. >> reporter: house speaker nancy pelosi and the house democratic leader went much further. in an op-ed, they complained about the disruption, saying drowning out opposing views is simply un-american. >> if it's un-american to have get up and let your voice be heard, and let your government who works for you know, it's not america anymore. >> reporter: the white house didn't seem to like the speaker's word choice either. the press secretary said that there is a long history of shouting in u.s. politics. and said the president welcomes a vigorous conversation. however, the white house did launch a new website to counter
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what he calls false rumors in this health care debate. chris? >> all right, john. by anybody's reckoning, this is certainly a battle between messages. let's bring in two masters of political messages to join us this morning. we have ann coulter, author of "guilty, liberal victims and their assault on america." and in washington, grrm contributor, democratic strategist, mr. james carville. thank you to your both. mr. carville, i will start with you. with what we see with these demonstrati demonstrations, is this proof that the president has lost control of this debate? that there's more to be upset about than be happy about? and he's spinning out of control? >> no. it's true, you have a lot of frustrated people in america. these people have lost two congressional elections in a row. they lost the presidential election. the stimulus is working. things are starting to turn around and get better. they lost the youth vote. they lost the hispanic vote. it's a psychological phenomenon that they're frustrated. and their leaders are frustrated.
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and talk radio is frustrated. and the congressional leadership is frustrated. we have to deal with this. it's better for them to be out there screang and yelling than doing other things. just accept it for what it is. march on. things are starting to work. things are starting to fall in place here. >> you see these protests, solely as a function of political maneuvers, against the president, and not genuine protests. let me take this to you, ann coulter. do you see this as your conservative brothers and sisters just to distract? or are these people with grievances? >> no. you see a lot of old people. not surpsingly. that matches the polling that old people are concerned about rationing of health care under a big, government plan. there are a lot of democrats at these protests. what i see is political maneuvering is the complaints about people showing up at town halls, worried about their entire health care system being revampled, rather than talk about the health care system, that does have a lot of troubling elements in it. just this weekend, chuck lain at
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"the washington post," not a birther, almost certainly an obama voter, said the paid end of life discussions by doctors to old people is very troubling. when you have someone who is sick. and you have a guy with a white coat coming in saying, well, you might want to write a living will now. but there is this pressure. that's one of the big issues people are concerned with. of course, there's also just the inherent implausibility, of obama, vis-a-vis democrats, saying costs will come down. and we won't ration. that's like saying eat as much chocolate cake as you want, and you'll lose weight. that's our diet plan. >> how about that, jim? how about dealing with the concerns about the plan and not just dismissing the protests as politics. >> i can understand miss coulter's frustration. the philosophy is in the ditch. i've seen it before. i'm not sympathetic with it.
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"the washington post" that she so elegantly cites. the republican miscalculation of president's tax plans are odious. and just went on and on. you understand? this is about death panels. they told us the stimulus wouldn't work. now, every economist in the world is saying the stimulus is working beautifully. >> why avoid the issue on the table? let's talk about health care. >> we'll talk about health care. you want me to go to health care? >> please. >> $7,000 per person for health care in the country. and our results don't match up to any rate of that. we spend twice as much of the percentage of gdp. i'm telling you the protests are not about health care. they're about people being politically frustrated. they don't know what they're talking about. did you see the fellow in south carolina, telling the government to get his hands off medicare.
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you can't say that guy's out there because he's concerned about health care. no. he's frustrated because he's losing out. this is what this really is about. that's my point here. >> respond. frustrated person? >> no. i think that is more deflection all of this frustration. you sound frustrated yourself, james. i'm glad he brings this up. one of the canards for expanded health care is that we're not getting results. you see life expectancy in america. that doesn't have ything to do with doctors. for a couple of reasons reasons justquickly. some countries count the birth of a child, only once the child has been alive for a week. if somebody gets shot in a drug shooting or dies of a drug overdose, that has nothing to do with health care. so, what you have to compare is apples to apples. if you get cancer, what is your survival rate? ours is a lot better than any other country's. >> more specifics are needed. jim i have --
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>> the first time i had a debate that long life expectancy is a good thing. >> no. it's not comparing apples to apples. >> you talk into the break. i'm going to do the news. jim carville, ann coulter, thank you very much. let's get to headlines, quickly. kate snow. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with breaking news from afghanistan. we just learned that three american troops have been killed in action in separate incidents of hostile fire. so far this month, that makes 24 u.s. and nato troops at have died in afghanistan. in other news, divers in the hudson river hope to recover the plane from the midair collision in new york. house democratic leaders are dropping a controversial plan that would have forced the pentagon to buy four jets to transport members of congress. the planes would have added hundreds of millions of dollars to the air force budget. two dozen thrill-seekers at a kra c amusement park were left dangling up to four hours on
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monday when this rollercoaster malfunctioned. rescuers lowered them down by one, into large buckets at the end of a ladder. nobody seriously hurt. that's the news at 7:15. and back ove to you guys. >> let's get out to sam champion. he's out and about again. he's in downtown manhattan this morning. what's up now, sam? >> good morning, robin, chris. we're traveling with the department of energy today. efuy tips. saving energy is good. saving money is better. let's get to the boards. number one thing we want to talk about is this tropical system in the pacific that's kind of on its way acrossawaii by tuesday night. now, this will continue to we'll have 40-mile-per-hour winds. mountain rains here will go over the islandsi of probably maui, malachi. elsewhere, heat's the big story. it continues to hot over the east coast. dallas at 101. new york city at 90 degrees. ,
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>> a veryngibrn, niaooor m br, ian .the the her erno ier as another hot and humid d. temperatures are in the low 70's right now. your forecast today calls for hot and humid but a few degrees less than yesterday but still muggy.
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a few thunderstorms into toni and when we come back, just after 7:30, robin, we'll talk about a new tropical disturbance in the atlantic, which could be our first named system of the atlantic hurricane season. >> all right, sam. we'll get back to you. thank you. now, to hillary clinton's big trip to africa. the message she has for the world. she is the secretary of state. her husband, former president bill clinton, is not. she made that point loud and clear, during a stop in the congo on monday. r senior foreign affairs correspondent, martha raddatz, has the story. reporter: it happened during this town hall meeting in africa. secretary clinton was asked a question that instantly angered her. it wasn't the topic of the question, chinese contracts. it was the follow-up. >> what does mr. clinton think through the mouth of
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mrs. clinton? and what does mr. mcdonald think? >> wait. you want me to tell you what my husbanthinks? my husband is not the secretary of state. i am. you asmy opinion, i will tell you my opinion. i'm not going to be channeling my husband. >> reporter: her intense irritation, of course, follows the highly successful trip bill clinton took to north korea, to free twoe, american journalists. a trip that has totally eclipsed her own. before that, she was battling rumors that she had been marginalized by the white house. >> there's no basis to it. >> reporter: hillary clinton is in a historically uncomfortable spot. she is secretary of state. but her husband was once the president, a popular president. she saw that when she was trying to become president. he shows up, the cameras follow. so, the africa question, now that she is the top diplomat --
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>> if you're secretary of state and someone asks you about your husband's view of something, i think anyone would be likely to be upset. >> reporter: secretary of clinton did try to make up with the questioner after the event. even before she realized that the translator had made a mistake. it wasn't formersi preitdent clinton's inopio pn. it was the current president's opinion. for "good morning america," martha raddatz, abc news, washington. >> again, the student apologized. said meant president obama, not former president clinton. >> when you have a spouse who is a former president, people are going to ask to be relevant ine. coming up, football star, dauntae stall worth opens up for the first time about the night troversial.roversial.
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good morning, everybody. i m alison starling. it is 7:22. let's look at traffic and the jim russ. as not been c tl onhe roads this morning. on the beltway, the inner loop after st. barnabas road, a truck fire is now off to the right. lanes are open but expect to find slow traffic. a new pressure on the inner loop near georgia avenue is on the left side. let's look at the outer loop there. it will be slow headingrom college park to silver spring. nge dulles toll road is looki rom the greenw fay. wo --rkew rorkoa r -d work- rewk rleaier. >> we're looking at mild temperatures outside in the high 70's.
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it is pretty sticky out there. the forecast today, we are looking for 70's to near 80. it will be 88 at lunchtime and a few scattered thunderstorms this afternoon and could be heavier. it could cools off. it will cool off for tomorrow.
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we have breaking news this morning. nice kennedy shriver has died. she passed away earlier this morning at 88 years old. police in germantown are investigating a deadly
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pedestrian accident. police say a 57-year-old was trying to cross the road at 8:30 last night when he was hit. the woman who hit him i cooperating. a 20 -year-old man is recovering after being attacked by dogs. he may have been mauled to death to protect a small dog from pit bulls. that dog in the man were found dead in a leesburg home. two peoples and a third dog were found alive. president barack obama will face a tough crowd when he makes a public appeal for his health care pn this afternoon. this is on the heels of a rowdy town hall in marin last night. -- maryland last night. >> in town hall after town hall -- >> how dare you? >> citizens are voicing a position to the 1000-page house
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bill. maryland senator been cardin shattered his way through a town hall meeting. like many democrats, he is defending the health care bill, offering a rebuttal to statements that the obama plan leaves people with your options. >> i don't want the government to do it for me. >> there are about 10 pages within the legislation to reimburse a doctor for talking with a patient every five years about what kind of care they want near the end of life. opponents say it is euthanasia. >> adolf hitler called his program the final solution. i wonder what we will call hours. >> that has the president and democrats working furiously to stop public anxiety and stop a republican-let's hear it campaign. -- smear campaign. the humane society is offering a $1,500 reward to
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track downho ever left a pet bowl in the trash to die. -- pay pit bull in the trash to die. veterinarians say that they the
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s. this morning, we are mking the passing of eunice kennedy shriver. the fifth of the kennedy siblings. most known for starting special olympics in 1968. shpassed away this morning at the age of 88. her family all around her. she is described as the world force of the kennedy family. >> not sudden or unexpected. eunice had been dealing with ailments in the last few years. but a profound loss, nonetheless. this is really a person that
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when they pass, the body is gone. but the spirit transcends. and her living legacy of helping kids with disabilities recognized is going to live on for generations. >> she was about service. alongside chris, i'm robin. diane is off on this tuesday morning. also this morning we have new information in the michael jackson case. the judge has given the green ligts to a jackson movie, expected to hit theaters this fall. this as two women come forward, claiming to be the mother of the jackson children. we'll have details ahead. first this morning, we have news for you. the exclusive interview of pro football player, who served just 24 days for killing a man in a drunk driving accident. a sentence that caused controversy. donte stallworth is speaking for the first time to espn's michael smith, about the crash, his cull pablt, and if he thinks his celebrity helped him get off
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easily. >> i always wanted to help make a change in the world. but i never imagined in a million years, it be under these circumstances. >> reporter: of a night partying with friends in miami, dante stallworth got behind the wheel of his car and hit 49-year-old mario reyes, who was getting off a bus after working the night shift. >> i'm coming around a bend at 45 miles per hour. and i see mr. reyes in the bus lane to my right. and suddenly, he runs into the street. i flicked my lights. and honked my horn, in an approach to try to warn him. and i applied my brakes. >> reporter: stallworth immediately called 911. >> okay, listen. listen. this guy just ran in front of my car. and he's [ bleep ] laying in the
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street. and i -- >> so your vehicle hit somebody in the street? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. you got to send an ambulance right now, man. >> reporter: stallworth was given field sobriety tests and allowed the police to search his car, while paramedics tried to save reyes' life. but reyes didn't make it. what was your reaction to hearing that? >> i started crying. i was heartbroken. >> reporter: a toxicology report indicated stallworth's blood alcohol content was 0.126, above florida's legal limit of 0.08. he also tested positive for marijuana. prosecutors charged stallworth with dui manslaughter. a second-degree finney, funnishible by up to 15 years in jail. stallworth pleaded guilty, he says, in part to spare the reyes family a trial. >> his words were tell them i'm sorry for what occurred.
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>> reporter: his sentence, 30 days in jail. he cannot leave his residence years.t permission for two eight years probation. a lifetime suspended driver's license. and 1,000 hours of community service. and stallworth's lawyers reached an undisclosed civil settlement with the reyes family. a lot of people suggest that if you weren't donte stallworth, nfl wide receiver, you wouldn't have been able to reach this kind of agreement. what do you say to that? >> the fact that i was a professional athlete could have made this case a lot harder than it was. >> reporter: how does that feel, that you played a role in the death of another human being? >> it's a hard thing to deal with. it's very hard to deal with. every day. every, single day. >> joining us now is espn's michael smith. a great interview. thank you for bringing it to us. his celebrity, its value, debatable. but let's get to the merits of this situation. was it a clear case that donte
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stallworth just ran somebody over? or was there some variability from the prosecute's stand. >> it was 50/50 of whether they could get a conviction at trial. there's a grainy surveillance video that's inconclusive. and there's no eyewitnes. mr. reyes' unfortunate actions, coupled with donte stallworth's dui, led to the plea agreement. but in terms of donte being solely responsible for the accident, they could not prove that. >> that sheds some light on the punishment. also, the sounds we hear from him, of he ran in front of my car. >> he said that from the very beginning. >> the merits of the situation aside, we go to the man. what was your take on him in terms of where his heart is in this situation? >> he's very remorseful. he realizes he played a role in the death of another human being. and a teenage girl does not have her father in part because of
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donte stallworth. because of the circumstances of the cases that i mentioned, he believes the only way this accident could have been avoided, if he did not get in the car in the first place. he's haunted by this. and in the middle of the line of sight, is the spot where the accident occurred. even when he goes outside. he's seeing a christ is, psychiatrist, a therapist once a week. and he has trouble sleeping. you can say donte stallworth has his life, and mario reyes does not. but he's starting to struggle. >> a tough story on both sides. michael smith, thank you very much, for bringing it to us. there's a lot more here. you can see all of michael smith's exclusive interview with donte stallworth, tonight an "e: 60" on espn. >> and we invite pple to weigh in on our website, on, about this subject. now, we have the latest on the michael jackson chronicles. coming to a theater near you, this october, a new movie made
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from footage of jackson's last concert rehearsals. a judge green lighted the project on monday. the film is set to bring in tens of millions of dollars to the jackson tate. lisa fletcher is in los angeles with more. >> reporter: good morning, robin. that is going to be very welcome cash to the jackson family. a source close to the family told us the estate is actually $400 million in the hole. and while the judge cleared the way for that film deal, he still hasn't decided on whether to go ahead and approve other merchandising projects. sony's $60 million deal with the michael jackson estate, is one step closer to paying off, after a judge cleared the way for 80 hours of jackson's rehearsal video to become a feature film, along with three cds this fall. but katherine jackson is still interested in michael's future eaings. and wants no restrictions on aeg contracts, a request the judge is still undecided on. >> there's a lot of insurance
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coverage issues that are up in the air that could involve millions upon millions of dollars. right now, they don't want to provide the details, make this all public. >> reporter: and because the jackson children have such a significant share of his estate, the judge also decided to appoint a person to exclusively protect their financial interests. >> the court believed that it was possible there was a conflict between mrs. jackson's interest and the children's interest. >> reporter: court became a circus at some poin, as two women claim to be the jackson children's biological mothers. billy jean jackson, seen here on tmz, was known to stalk michael. >> i have no comment. >> reporter: and disrupted the court. while clara crir claire cruise conference outside of court. >> i failed paperwork last friday, the 7th, declaring myself as the sole biological
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mother of all three jackson children. >> you have the craziness of michael jackson. and, "b," the white-hot high-profile nature of this case. that causes a lot of whacks to come out of the woodwork. >> reporter: one thing nobody's going to be talking about, the coroner's report. it is officially complete. and officially sealed until the lapd investigation is over. robin? >> all right, lisa. thank you very much. coming up on 7:39. time for the weather. sam champion at the living zero home in new york city. on the tour across america. isn't it, sam? >> yes, it is, robin. we're traveling with the department of energy. and they are taking this exhibit, which is the living sere row house, as you wisely pointed out. they taking it on the nascar circuit. they're taking it on the pga tour. the whole thing is to get this in place where's people have changed. we're telling you, solar power, a good idea. sealing the envelope. remember, three or four years ago when we started talking
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about building materials if you're renovating. and what would be smart for energy and smart for expense and cheaper. bamboo flooring, aot of people didn't like it at first because it's soft. this is harder. countertops that are post-consum post-consumer, which means recycled materials. this one is out of bamboo and paper. it's hard as rock, by the way. we're saying energy star appliances. if you're replacing your appliances. the basic appliance bill for most people is $2,200 a year. you can cut that by $700 a year, by looking for that label. tankless water heaters and regular water heaters now have energy star. they were never able to make this more cost-effective. they have now. let's get to the boards. we'll talk to you about the system in the atlantic. it's closer to the african coastline than anything else.
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>> a very good morning. it is another hot and sticky day today, not quite as hot as yesterday but already in the so, we'll have more from the department of energy's traveling exhibit. and, robin, the cool thing is, that so much has changed since we first started talking about these things, including cfls. they're cheaper. better light. >> wicked cool. didn't take you long to dress this morning, did it, sam? just throw on a pair of shorts and flip-flops. you're ready to go. right out the door. >> that's the point of going live. that's the point of going live. >> yes, it is, my friend. coming up nexthoho housing we have es have an kvet the five best places in the country to buy one right now. ne rigight now.
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please, have pens and paper ready. we have the top five places to buy a house right now. we have an exclusive look at brand-new numbers from the real estate website and it might surprise you to learn that the best places to buy are not necessarily where the houses are cheapest.
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con seemer correspondent, elisabeth leamy, is in washington talking about value this morning. good morning elisabeth. >> reporter: that is right, chris. zillow also ranked the top-five places to sell a home. and washington, d.c., where i live, is one of them. i'll tell you the other four in a second. but first, here are the top five places to buy a home. the beach is beautiful. but it's the three military bases with steady jobs that make virginia beach one of zillow's best places to buy. and right now, there are bargains. 30% of homes here sell for less than the asking price. >> the number one factor for a market holding its value over time has to do with what types of jobs are fueling the local economy. >> reporter: albany, new york, is a zillow best buy because, as a busy state capital, there is always government work. plus, alny homes are affordable, with median price of less than $200,000. next up, san diego. more than one-third of homes
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here are foreclosures. possible bargains in a normally costly market. home values are falling. but statistics indicate san diego will bottom out in the next year. >> we are beginning to see buyers coming back to the marketplace. and the housing market appears to have turnea corner for the better. >> reporter: college towns like austin, texas, are another stable bet for buyers. austin houses cost just $98 per square foot, which means more house for your money. rounding out the top five, madison, wisconsin. consistently ranked one of the best places to live in america. home values in madison are flat from five years ago. a good thing in a recession. >> it means you haven't lost money in the value of your home over the past year. >> reporter: no matter where you buy, statistics show you should stay at least seven years if you hope to turn a profit on your house. and in addition to washington, d.c. here, here are the other top places to sell a house right your.
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they are fayetteville, north carolina. best performing housing market in the country. oklahoma city, boulder, colorado, and yakima, washington. places where prices are holding steady or even rising, chris. >> yakima, washington. you had me on that one. >> yeah. >> elisabeth, thank you for the info this morning. if you want to reeng s see rank through ten on zillow's places to buy and sell list, go to 45 minutes past the hour. 45.. and suvs in america. i don't know if you've heard, but this whole fuel-efficiency thing... kind of a big deal. anyway, ford and lincoln mercury have you covered. in fact, they're your cashfor c they'll recycle your ride and get you a rebate of up to $4,500. how's that for going green? why ford? why now? why not? visit your ford or lincoln mercury dealer. tell 'em mike sent you. if you think it would help.
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7:50 am
when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving... while not fully awake with memory loss for the event... as well as abnormal behaviors... such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and hallucinations may occur. don't take it with alcohol... as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur... and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions... contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-- ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr.
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this has got us talking in the studio right now. you, no doubt, have been in this situation. you're on the plane, you're trapped. you're on the tarmac for hours. this is what happened not too long ago. no food. they were on there forever. the restrooms were out of ordert owee gog to talk t a passenger on board. pl a,yius lng down with the lions. look at this man. what's he doing? what's he doing? clunkers progr a great deal gets even better. let us recycle your older vehicle, and you could ti dial$3 orti500 or $4500 cash back... on top of all other offers.. on a new, more fl efficient chevy. has yeour ee orbl gilie models tohoogise m from - more than ford, toyota, or honda. so save gas... and money... now during the chevy open house. f o to for details.
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[ thinking ] burning, itching... but the pain's the worst. i shouda used..., [ bump ] [ male announcer ] preparation h cream. burning, itching, plus maximum strength pain relief, on contact. the most complete relief, from preparation h. pain relief on contact. start your three-course meals with a shared appetizer. choose two entrees from over 15 chili's favorites, then share a decadent dessert. chili's --
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>> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good tuesday morning, everybody. welcome back, i am alison starling with your local update. let's look at traffic and weather. >> it has been a tough morning. the greenway getting on to the toll road, there has been an accident that is cleared up.
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heavy traffic on the outer loop going from college park to silver spring. ilwe wl go to ma and show you we have other incidents on the public. there werewo near st. barnabas road. you have a brief delay is now. >> outside, it is mild out right now. temperatures remain in the low 90's. it is not like yesterday but with the high humidity, it will probably feel the same period in the afternoon, temperatures will climb. some thunderstorms could be heavy at times with big grins and under. that under could linger into the evening with temperatures in the mid-'70s bus. tomorrow, more clouds and mid- 80's. thursday looks good and friday and the weekend, the
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temperatures will be seasonable. when it comes to fresh produce, several local farmers' markets are now ranked best in the country. this is according to a poll from american farmland trust. several farmers markets in virginia, d.c., and maryland make the list of america's favorites. for continuous news coverage, tune in to our sister station, news channel 8.
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p "good morning america" continues with the death of eunice kennedy shriver. the pioneering force behind the special olympics. plus, trapped on the tarmac. passengers stuck on a plane for six hours with crying babies, no food, out of order restrooms. how could it happen again? the lion whisperer. why this man is risking his life to save the king of the jungle. and it's getting hot in
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here. "dancing with the stars" max and karenna turn up the heat on broadway. burn up the floor, performing live. >> good morning. >> good morning, good morning, good morning, america. here today, another beautiful crowd. all out here, enjoying the day. canada's here. it doesn't get any better. it does not get any better. >> it doesn't. >> standing next to robin roberts. how lucky am i? chris cuomo's my name. >> robin roberts is my name. diane is off on this tuesday morning. two stories i'm really looking forward that we're going to be sharing with people in this hour. pat conroy, fabulous author. hasn't written in 15 years. he has a new novel. he shares it with charlie gibson. he's written "prince of tide."
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but it's a personal new work of friendship and family. and he shares with charlie, mr. gibson. he's going to be here. >> you get conroy and gibson that's a value plan. also, a really great story that is really the history. you're going to meet a remarkable man, 92 years young. a pioneer in golf, for reasons that go beyond the game itself. >> the sport's highest honor this week. william powell from nearby where my mom grew up. a lot of news. let's get to kate snow with that. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with the death of eunice kennedy shriver. she passed away this morning at a massachusetts hospital at the age of 88. shriver was john f. kennedy's sister. but she was perhaps best known for starting the special olympics. the shriver family released a atement saying, she was a living prayer. a living advocate. a living center of power. she set out to change the world and to change us. and she did that and more.
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and from her brother, senator ted kennedy, she understood deeply the lesson our mother and father taught us. much is expected of those to whom much as been given. she touched the lives of millions. and for eunice, that was never enough. breaking news from the middle east this morning. authorities in kuwait have arrested six people who they say were planning to attack a u.s. military base there. they describe the group as a terrorist cell with links to al qaeda. and say members have confessed to the plot. turning to other news today, divers will be trying to recover more wreckage and victims from saturday's midair crash over the hudson river, as lawmakers push for stricter air traffic control rules. lisa stark is following the investigation. she joins us from hoboken, new jersey. good morning, lisa. >> reporter: good morning, kate. the wreckage of that piper up plane. it's been located in 60 feet of water. have released the emergency 911
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calls, from the witnesses to this midair collision. >> 91 operator, 131. what is your emergency? >> i think someone just went down in the hudson river. >> you said it was a helicopter, struck and landed in the water? >> yes. >> yeah. it was struck by a small plane. and the helicopter went straight down. i'm not sure what happened to the plane. >> reporter: even as divers work to secure the airplane, so it can be pulled from the water, the accident has led to calls for more restrictions on the low-altitude air space over the hudson, where aircraft operate by see and avoid, and watch out for each other, without direction by air traffic control. >> the hudson river must not continue to be the wild west. >> reporter: it's a crowded space. investigators now say there's some 225 flights every day in the week prior to the accident. and they revealed that the pilot of the piper, who took off from nearby teterboro airport, who
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zdzed to fly over the hudson last minute. >> ftc said, let me know so i know who coordinate with. the pilot responded, tell you what? i'll take down the river. >> reporter: that last-minute decision. investigators want to know, was the pilot prepared for this congested and complicated air space? it's one of the many questions they're still asking. kate? >> lisa stark, thank you. finally, an elephant in a tight situation. don't worry. it's okay. it was out walking and fell into that manhole. rescuers used a bulldozer to dig the elephant out. that's the news at 8:05. out to the weather now. sam champion in new york. sam? >> we have to think to a better punch line for that. an elephant falls into a manhole. there has to be a punch line. >> it was in thailand.
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elephants are revered in t thailand. >> we've been traveling with the department of energy all morning long. and traveling with good construction practices. i like the consumer stuff here. good morning, by the way. >> good morning. >> cfls. we started talking about them. i feel like everybody knows a lot. the biggest complaint, is everybody now the ugly shape. that's the one we're talking about. but they're different now. >> lighting is a great place to start make your house more energy-efficient. all of us can change a lightbulb. and lighting makes up about 20% of our annual energy costs for a household. it's a great place to go. >> 20% you save on lighting. you can save a lot. >> exactly. >> when i'm coming to the bulbs, am i really saving money? >> they really are. the cost that you're going to pay for these sorts of lightbulbs will pay itself back within a year, two years at most, depending on where you use
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the light in your house. >> and on the label, they say they lost 10 years, 13 years. is that true? >> it's ten-time longer than a standard lightbulb. >> we're talking cfl lightbulbs. moms buy these. they were concerned about the fact there's mercury in the bulbs. are they safer now? is that true? >> the amount of mercury that's in a cfl lightbulb would fit on the top of a ball point pen. we're talking about a very small amount of mercury. >> you have to be careful when you clean it up. >> exactly. you need to sweep up the particles, using a paper towel, on to a piece of cardboard. >> i like your thing about tape. >> duct tape,tape. ape. >> and recycle this. >> exactly. >> i have to go. we want to be sure we show the board. thank you, john. appreciate it. here's a look at where all the heat is. in the deep south and the eastern coast.
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90 in new york again. houston is 96 degrees. quick look at the big there are a few passing clouds outside but temperatures are in the low 80's. 78 degrees in pools built. lohumidity today as we have for the overnight, a few more thunderstorms. tomorrow, less humidity. all morning long, we've been at the living zero house. we'll connect you, though, to all these great consumer tips through we'll get you there. >> thanks, sam. now, to a story which has
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airline passengers saying, yet again, they are mad. and they're not going to take it anymore. continental express flight 2816, started as a routine flight. but things started to go wrong. at 9:23 p.m., the plane took off on a 2 1/2-hour journey from houston to minneapolis. but bad weather diverted the plane 85 miles away, to rochester, minnesota, landing after midnight. for six hours, the passengers waited on the tarmac, packed together. one seat on one side. two on the other. the lone bathroom clogged. awful smells filling the cabin. no food offered. one drink provided. a comfortable terminal just feet away. passengers were told they couldn't get off the plane. >> the passengers certain could have come into the terminal building at any time. >> reporter: after 12 hours, the passengers finally reached their destination. just the latest air travel
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nightmare that unfortunately is not uncommon. in june alone, 278 flights saw passengers sit on tar max for three hours or so. as a so-called bill of rights sits in congress, awaiting action by the senate. >> the airports and airlines have a plan for getting passengers off planes in three hours safely. and provide for their needs. and early this morning, i spoke with link christian, who was a passenger on that flight. he joined us from minnesota and described what happened. >> as we got close to minneapolis, there were thunderstorms. and they diverted us to rochester, minnesota. where they told us they had to refuel. so, we landed there, in rochester. and through a series of events and discussions, with thehe flit attetendanan w wendnd upp stayi there the entire night in the rprplanene. >> whawere you told,, all those hours? atififrent t tng at all times, we ththouought wee
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within a half hour or an hour.oo minneapolis. buthth startrtelliling us at ththe begegininning the weather stl l bad. anf course, we reeeepatient? changeged d at to saying t thahe going to try to get a b t te u us backk toominneapolis which is oyy0 0 mimiles away. d d then, an hourr later, they thenwewe're hangogogiscalme. proble witith the e bus. and they k kin of w worked thth way through the night, with making us think this was going to be over pretty quickly. >> were you given food? were you offered water? anything to drink? >> nothing. when we arrived on the ground in rochester, 12:30. the single flight attendant yelled back to us, and said does anybody want a drink? and some people got a drink at 12:30. from that point forward, we were offered no food, no water.
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i had not eaten for 13 or 14 hours, because i connected from florida. it had been 13 or 14 hours since i'd eaten. by the time i got off the plane at 7:00 in the morning, a lot of people had not eaten for 12, 16, 18 hours. >> did they offer you food then in the terminal? >> the only thing they offered in the terminal, is they made an announcement, that the passengers from houston are entitled to one beverage coupon. they had a full breakfast there. and they gave us a beverage coupon. >> as you know, link, there's a passenger bill of rights that's sitting on capitol hill. what rights do you think, as a passenger, do you think you should have in a situation like that? >> without knowing the law, i have to believe we should have been allowed to get off the airplane and be in the terminal, where we had access to telephones and clean bathrooms and food and light and space. all of those needs could have been taken care of in the terminal.
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and the terminal is 50 yards away. >> professor christin, thank you very much for being willing to share your story with us this morning. you take care. >> thank you, rob opion. >> he's in better spirits now. the normal flight from houston to minneapolis, is 2 1/2 hours. that day, it took 13 hours. coming up next, living with lions. two, fearl n,me getting up close and personal, with the king of the jungle. ♪ mom: i can't go to class with "him. mom vo: i can't do his history report for him. mom vo: or show the teachers how curious he is. that's his jo. mom vo: my job is to give him verything he needs to succeed, while staying ithin a budget. mom: that's why i go to walmart. son: and that's how the constitution helped hape america... mom: i love my job. vo: find all the brands those other tores have but for low walmart prices, like dell, hp and toshiba. vo: save money. live better. walmart.
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not treating is not n option. all prescription nsaid pain relievers, like celebrex, ibuprofen and naproxen, help treat arthritis pain and have some of the same warnings. but since individual results may vary, having options is important. prescription celebrex has een the option for millions of patients for 10 straight years. just one 200-mg celebrex (once a day,) can provide dependable, 24-hur relief for many with arthritis pain, .stiffness and inflammation., based on the available data, the fda stated that " for certain patients celebrex's benefits " outweigh the risks. if you are worried about stomach upset, you should know, in .clinical studies,, a lower percentage of paients taking celebrex reported stomach discomfort versus prescription ibuprofen and naproxen. and if you are taking low-dose aspirin for your heart and need an nsaid ain reliever, celebrex can be used because it doesn't interfere with the effects of .low-dose aspirin., but when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor ned to balance,
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the benefits with the risks. the fda requires all prescription nsaids, including cebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam, to have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors for it such ashigh blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. all prescription nsaids, including celebrex, also increase the chane of serious skin reactions or stomach nd intestine problems,, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without " warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you're allergic to aspirin or sulfonamides. ask your doctor if you could benefit from celebrex. understand the risks. eel the benefits.
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that can take so much out of you. i feel like i have to wind myself up just to get out of bed. then...well... i have to keep winding myself up to deawith the sadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, the lack of energy. if depression is takingou ,prouist ti.®oncentrating, the lack of energy. (announcep ristiq is a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. taking pristiq with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, including those for migraine, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or glaucoma.
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tell your doctor if you have heart disease... or before you reduce or stop taking pristiq. side effects may include nausea, dizziness and sweating. (woman) for me, pristiq is a key in elpingo treat my depression. (announcer) ask your doctor ea about pristiq. we have a great treat for you now. a walk on the wild side of the plains of africa, with two men living among the african lions. "primetime's" jay schadler went to africa to see how far these animal lovers will go to protect
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the kings of the jungle. only you. >> reporter: only me. you would have loved this story. it's about very big things. big animals. big land. big ideas, saving the lions. at its core, you're an animal lover, you're going to love the hour. if you think human beings are crazy, we give you a lot of ammunition to support that idea. and athe bottom, it's all about two men, who are treading a very, very thin line between courage and hubris. in theidday heat, a pride of lions nap under a rose tree. but look and listen closely. there's a homosapien, in short pants sleeping there, too. >> i can sleep with them. i can interact with them, as if
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i was a lion. >> reporter: that's kevin richardson, a 34-year-old south african film producer and animal lover. that was truly -- i've never seen anything like that. >> yeah. that's what happens when you're integrated into a pride. reporter: there is, of course, a method to this madness. >> i don't walk into an enclosure and go, today i'm going to push the boundaries of how far i'm going to put my head in a lion's mouth. these relationships, everyone must realize, that they've taken years and years and years to develop. >> reporter: the relationships have developed over the past decade. kevin's 1,800-acre sanctuary, outside johannesburg, where he nurtures the lions from birth. >> i was probably selfish in the beginning. it was all about me. what can i get from it? but they were gaining something, too. >> reporter: what they are gaining is an advocate. while they are not wild animal, kevin's notoriety has given him a platform to publicize the
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grave extinction threat now facing all of africa's lions. >> numbers have dropped in the past decade, up to 75%. that's a staggering amount. i think the greater world does think of africa as this big, open landscape. it's not. humans are encroaching. and animal territories are getting smaller and more defined. >> reporter: which leads us 1,000 miles northwest, to namibia. here, the land and the lions are still wild. another man has begun a dangerous experiment, to keep them that way. >> these are definitely the most aggressive lions i've ever seen. these lions wshg marked for destruction because they were escaping people wasnhunting the down. >> reporter: dave salmoni is a trainer and host for animal
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planet. now, he's taking on a new challenge. living for six months on ath the erindi game reserve. it ihere that dave is attempting something unprecedented. a rehyblation of an aggressive pride of wild lions. >> no. cut it out. >> reporter: but these lions will need to unlearn some of their aggression toward humans if they are to survive here. dave is testing the limits, trying to get closer with every encounter. >> what you think? you a good boy? good boy. >> reporter: it's a game of inches and claws. >> no. no. no. hey. hey. hey. hey. no.
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>> it looks laughable. but it's not, though. very serious business going on up there. this is an especially aggressive pride. he's trying to make them enough habituated to human so ecotourists can come to the park and save the park and the lions. >> i will have to wjudghe fe,ula hour to judge, as wl rest tonight, 10:00 eastern, "primetime," "the outsiders." mr. jay schadler, thank you. thank you.u. you, in the top corner. our next class laptops could be perfect for you. we got student feedback and designed them specifically for college. are they legit brands, though? boom! we partnered with hp, toshiba, sony and dell. okay. uh, what's the square root of 841? 29. announcer: laptops designed for college or the worry my pipes might leak... compromise what like to do..., like hunting for bargains,
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not always bathrooms. i take care with vesicare. (announcer) " once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to reduce frequent, sudden urges and leaks... day and night... if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying " your bladder, do not take vesicare. tell your doctor right away if you have a serious allergic reaction, severe abdominal pain, or become constipated .for three or more days., vesicare may cause blurred vision, so take care while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. you deserve better than to always be compromised y urges and leaks., ask your doctor today about taking care with vesicare.
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heard you're getting free nights from how? well, funny you should ask. you see, after i book 10 nights, i get a free one. say i spend 2 nights at a big name hotel, 3 at a boutique, and 5 at a beach resort... and boom! free night. ( dings, monkey chatters ) ( in a baby voice ) aren't you a smart one? ( monkey laughs ) accumulate 10 nights and get a night free. welcomerewards from smart. so smart. on fast congestion relief. neither should you. thank you claritin-d. (announcer) so you'll find claritin-d behind the pharmacy counter.
8:25 am
thank you claritin-d, for staying tough on the toughest allergy symptoms. for refusing to "change your formula. (announcer) nothing works stronger, faster or longer to relieve " your worst allergy symptoms including congestion and sinus pressure without drowsiness. thank you claritin-d for helping me live claritin clear. (announcer) # get claritin-d at the harmacy counter., >> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good tuesday morning tou. i am pamela brown. . is 8:25. time for a look tffraic and weather. >> we have had a tough morning. we are looking at a closure and anderson wrote -- at henderson road. we have other incidents out there to deal with.
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ffwe have a situation on route96 and 450. that will bshe ut down for walew. we haveenilrtwoh avenu wne doortoefpirecast shutdown before capitol street. accident blo >>ur w otheabuerg our weatherbus temperatures outside across the area in the 80's already. let's take a look at the forecast for today. temperatures will climb and it will be hot, hazy, and humid but not as humid as yesterday. lote 90's today as opposed to yesterday. thunderstorms could come in this afternoon. tomorrow, more clouds, and isolated storms, and thursday will be the better today of the
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week. p
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>> look no further than this for evidence how this heat affects behavior. the sunny side of the street is busy but the other side is in the shade. >> i am from alaska. >> triple digit heat in alaska is unheard of. >> it is a little hot here. >> it is mostly less hot today but a few folks will look for
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relief. it pays to remember the d.c. summer got under way late this year. >> that was matt brock reported. marion barry is the subject of a new documentary. the film looks at his long career as a public figure, from civil rights activist to powerful mayor who fell from grace. >> he is articulate. he was handsome. he is a spiritual leader and i did not know about that. all i knew was the scandal. i knew what most people know about him that he smoked crack and went to jail. >> they tried to box me into this person who does not care about people. it takes a slice of my life and tries to show me as more than just a criminal. >> more schools in montgomery
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county are failing under the no child left behind law. 38 middle schools in the county, 12 miss performance targets and that is seven more than last year. special education students did the worst in scores. special education students in ♪ >> there's a four-alarm sizzle. did we see mix and karina?
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>> there they are. >> burn the floor. and they're going to perform live coming up. >> the choreography is great. but they're just not that attractive. [ laughter ] you know? it's that look that you need. >> it's fascinating just watching them, though. we say good morning, america. on this tuesday morning. diane is off. i'm here with chris and kate. also this morning -- >> the weaver of words. that's what he's been called. mr. pat conroy. back with a new naovel. and get this, he doesn't just have a new book. he's going to be talking about it with mr. charlie gibson. ladies and gentlem. [ cheers and applause ] . >> this is really cool. this is where you open the 8:30 half hour. i'm impressed. seeing the studio and all. this is nice. who is this guy? >> this is chris cuomo. about, i heard a lot >> you can call me charlie. that's what i get. >> he has to work on -- you know, there's nothing in the
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script for charlie to show up right now. but he says, by golly -- >> if you have this many people watching on television, there's a lot of people in here. >> we miss you. we miss you. >> i think that's my exit cue. >> you're going to meet the man who built his own field of dreams, determined to bla ed to world a better place. at 92, he will receive one of sports' highest honors. first, mr. sam champion. >> ah. chris, robin. charlie was on the show. it could be called his show for what? 25? 30 years? >> yes, am. anything else you want to say? on to the weather. >> wasn't it charlie's show about 25 or 30 years? >> yes. and it's still his show. >> if you keep talking about him, he's going to come back on. >> i know. i know. tell him i love him. i'm sorry i missed him. traveling with the department of
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energy all morning long. and this living zero exhibit continues to go. it's greensboro, north carolina, it goes to next. they're hitting a lot of nascar stops and pga stops. we love the consumer thing about how to live a little greener and a little cheaper in your very own home. if you're replacing countertops or floors, hers a post-consumer product. we found this at green depot, by the way. it's a new store. they have five or ten stores planned around the country. they have an online site, as well. this is made out of recycled glass. this product is made out of cork. cork's find of soft. if you nick it, this bounces back. it fixes itself. it's a good soft flooring. we found little products like this. shower heads that mix your water with air. they use a lot less water. all of this cool stuff that's out there for consumers, to save a little bit of energy. save a little costn your mwe s bhte able to save you a e
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little bit of money in general, on these things.have come down let's get to the boards. want to talk about a lot of things going on in the country. right in the middle of the country, to the deep south. in the two target zones shaded in red, these could be the strongest storms of the day today. a quick look at thefully-by. th >>av >> a very good morning. in washington, we are taking a look at the hazy, hot, and humid day. all that weather was brought to you by claritin-d. robin? >> oh, samuel. listen to these titles, "the great san teeny."
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the lords of discipline." "the prince of tides." patconroy, has sown with charlie gibson. >> i love pat conroy's books. i have read them all. this "south a broad," refers to part of charleston people that know that have followed pat's career and his books, he was a military brat. he moved 23 times when he was a kid. so, this is largely about wanting a place. wanting a place you can call home. and it's about his love affair with charleston. and i asked him to start by reading some of the first lines from the book. >> charleston was my father's ministry. his hobby horse. his quiet session in the great love of his life. in his bloom lit up my own a
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passion for the city i never lost nor never will. >> reporter: pat conroy's novel, "a broad." this novel is about charleston. >> here's what it says. like every place else i've ever been on earth. it is complicated. it is bizarre. it has its secrets. it has its areas of openness. but in charleston, south of broad, the rivers meet. an remarkable society, black and white formed, in that peninsula. and it excites me, as much as anything in the world. >> for someone who has moved so often, as you did a a child. 23 times you moved? >> 23 times. >> it's a longing for a place. >> and the cry of home always got to me.
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military brats can never answer two questions. what's your hometown? and where are you going to be buried? >> i always found it to be about family. that when there is no family, you create family. >> i came into new schools every year. so, i had to get good at looking for kids who needed friends. the lonely always need a friend. and that's what i learned. >> and these are the characters of the book. >> these are the characters in this book. >> they all have antecedents, in kids that you knew in those various high schools? >> yes. every one of them. no question. >> reporter: it's no secret, that conroy's father, don, a sometimes tough and abusive man, loom large in his previous books. but this time? are you exorcising any old demons? the father of your protagonist, is a downright nice guy. >> he's great. i decided -- i never really did
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father. but in this book, i wanted -- i've seen good fathers. and they move me every time i see them. that love that fathers and their kids, that was denied me. but i've seen it. and admired it. made this guy a good guy. >> and the citadel, which you had some problems with in the past in your writes. all of a sudden, three of your characters go there. it's all of a sudden, a wonderful place. >> i fought so much in my life. and, see? charlie, this is one of these visual effects that no one else will notice. but everybody is going to notice from the citadel, that i'm wearing my citadel ring. and i decided i knew lots of kids who simply adored every part of the citadel. and i said, okay. i'll write from these guys' point of view. i'll give the citadel a break.
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>> as a writer matures and develops, does it get harder to write? >> you know, it's -- it's funny. i think as you get older, and as i often say, getting ready to die, i start thinking of things that i did not write about when i was young. and i want to get my feeling for charleston in a book before i stopped writing. >> you know, robin, he writes hiss novels longhand. he hasn't published a novel in 14 years. he was in a typing class in high school. his dad called him in. he has to stand at attention in front of his dad. he said, boy, what are you doing in a typing class? he said, it will help me write my reports when i get older. he said ladies type. fighter pilots don't type.
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and his father made him leave the typing class. and as he said, iould m major in flim-throwing in college. i uld major in bomb-dropping. typing.ould never maj in he sd d when he sends an e-mail, it looks like a chimpanzee >> that's the reason y. anand hiss fatherasassed ay sine the timeme. >> the madepee. >> goodod. >> before his father died. and that very influential, i think on p a and theay h writes. but he writes beautifully. i lov readi his pre. >> it's gre seeing you two and for morere opat'ssook and "gma's" complete list of hot summer reads, go tour boo page at alcohols. me he.end, you always havee a and asouay to us, i hope you have a good day. >>cy with this one
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we can't get charlie to leave. we love it. he's just going to hang out. taking pictures with everybody. and stuff like that. he wanted to see this next piece, too. you said this. we know about the accomplishments of tiger woods. now, an unheralded giant of golf, who paved the way for tiger and others, is set to have his day in the sun, of a long and truly inspiring journey. for 92-year-old william powell, the golf saying is true.
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golf isn't a game. it's a choice one makes with one's life. >> nice. >> wow. >> i'll tell you. come here. let me shake your hand. >> reporter: and powell has been encouraging player, young and old, who share his passion for the game of golf, for over 60 years. >> keep your head down and the back of that ball. keep on whacking. the thing i like about golf, it requires honesty. honesty. you can take the minister out and play golf with him. you find out whether he's a believer himself. >> reporter: but powell's love of the links wasn't always well received. in the 1940s, when he returned home to a segregated america from world war ii, he was not welcomed on many courses. >> because a fella's skin was white, he could play at a golf course. and i had to wonder whether i could play. >> reporter: powell, a gifted athlete, who began playing golf at the age of 9, and was captain
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of his high school team, took matters into his own hands, literally. and set out to build his own course, here in east canton, ohio. >> he was obsessed. it was something he wanted to do. and he put all his effort, mentally, emotionally, physically, into accomplishing his goal. >> reporter: in 1948, with the help of friends and his late wife, marcella, his dream became a reality. >> i didn't build it for black people. i built it for everybody. >> reporter: clearview golf club was open for business. it's the only golf course designed, owned and built by an african-american in the u.s. >> good hit, lucas. >> reporter: today, clearview golf club, is very much a family business. with a golf course as a
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backyard, renee, who picked up her first club at the age of 3, played professionally for the lpga for 13 years. one of only three african-american players to compete on the tour. >> i taught my daughter golf, to do things i couldn't do. and bless her soul, she did it. >> reporter: and now, renee, is the club's head pro. >> golf is such a very natural part of my life. and everything that i've done. and i always have to be able to give back to society. and that's certainly one of the things that my father has taught me. >> reporter: a life lesson, that has garnered her father and the club national recognition. and this wednesday, powell will receive the pga of america's 2009 distinguished service award. the group's highest, annual honor. and many appreciatehe perseverance of a man, who reminds us all that in the game of life, as in the game of golf, it does not take a hole in one
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to have a perfect game. and i hope you want to read more about william powell. he is a fascinating man. he'll get his big award on wednesday. next, the flashiest show on broadway. max and karina burn the floor.
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if you saver the samba, cheer for the cha-cha, and can't wait for the next season of "dancing with the stars," you are in luck, my friends. we have the cast from the hot, new broadway show, "burn the floor" here this morning. the show combining latin and ballroom dance. performing to kick off its broadway run, "dancing with the stars" max chmerkovskiy, and
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karina smirnoff. this is different to you, becacause the choreography is being told to you, as opposed to the opposite. how do you like it? >> love it. it's ten years in the making kind of thing. put together into two hours of very fast performance. and the cast is incredible. we just lucky to be here. >> are you loving it? >> i'm loving it. and the cast is, honestly, very welcoming. and all very gorgeous. >> i believe you. let's join the rest of the crew. they're going to dance for us now, the dirty boogie. here we go. ♪ ♪
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♪ i got me a move it ain't too clean ♪ ♪ it's real low down and kind of mean ♪ ♪ the dirty boogie the dirty boogie ♪ ♪ when i get low down it's dirty boogie for me ♪ ♪ what's it called hey, you roll ♪ ♪ how's it go not too slow ♪ ♪ when i get low down it's dirty boogie for me ♪ ♪ ♪ well alone i roll a crew like you ♪ ♪ never take hold the dirty boogie ♪ ♪ thedirty boogie ♪ when i get low down it's the dirty boogie for me ♪ ♪ what's it called
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the dirty boogie ♪ ♪ hey, y'all how does it go ♪ ♪ not too slow wh i get low down ♪ ♪ it's the dirty boogie for me ♪ ♪ ♪ scream and shout things to talk about ♪ ♪ the dirty boogie the dirty boogie ♪ ♪ when i get low down it's the dirty boogie for me ♪ ♪ the dirty boogie ♪ what's it called the dirty boogie ♪
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♪ hey you all the dirty boogie ♪ ♪ how's it go the dirty boogie ♪ ♪ not too slow when i get low down ♪ ♪ it's the dirty boogie for me ♪ ♪ when i get low down it's the dirty boogie for me ♪ ♪ yeah
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start here. go further. bye, sam. max and karina there until sunday. and then, pascha. have a great day. beautiful da
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>> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning to you at 8:56. -pamela brown with for local update. let's look at traffic. >> there is a new pressure on the beltway inner loop at the interchange at college park. all traffic is stopped. we have hth oer incidents toe h it as you make the tripou along ec oausef a of at ish50utause b crash. it is slowt a kenilworth avue into the city. henderson road hasopened. cl oned. cl i osn up is on up3
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e.owidtss of right lou tside. our forecast today, it is a hot one. hazy and humid again with scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. . tomorrow, the cooler air is in place and we cannot rule out the shower. the end of the weekend, will be mid and upper 80's. a very typical pattern. the people start to break by tomorrow. a fourth person has been charged and alleged corruption scandal in the d.c. government possible cover-up -- technology office. they are accused of lying on invoices and drawing up blog is, the tracks. -- and drawing u
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